Wednesday 16 March 2011



the time by which something must be finished or submitted;the latest time for finishing something: a five o'clockdeadline.
a line  or limit that must not be passed.
(formerly) a boundary around a military prison beyondwhich a prisoner could not venture without risk of being shotby the guards.

With only a few weeks left of my Major Project and final Project and major projects left (PANIC!!!) and always having looked over what I have to do and hopefully this time not leave it till the last minute, I wonder?  Ya see I always miss calcualate print times and printers let me down. But not this time, I WILL finish these projects comfortably and get a good grade, that is my vow.

My Major project is to take 10 sonnets from William Shakespeares mammoth sonnet list and create a sort of book of some sorts out of them, really starting to regret picking this project, (lost count of how many times I have said that), I just find them sometimes somewhat repeated of what the last one said.  If you examine each one and take the main points out of them you can't possibly have more than 20 sonnets there, instead of the ridiculous 154.  However, I am taking shakespeares vintage style and giving it a special Jack Taylor 2011 makeover, should look good when I'm finished with it, and I'll stick to the old saying, if I get a C. I'm happy.

My final project on the other hand is a Graphic Noveli'sation of the Green Day concept album American Idiot, I have not drawn the graphic novel I have however used photography and the quite legendary software 'Photoshop,' to create a unique looking backdrop and I think the story (when its finished) will tell the story of American Idiot quite well and will fill in the gaps that the album left, I also used inspriation from the stage show also.  I have approximately 28 pages to this project, which is alot of work and probably to much but as the saying goes, you can never have enough work eh?

So thats where I'm at, the projects will come and I believe the amount of work I did in the first part of this project has sort of lifted the weights a little bit, but I'm still scared, which goes to show it doesnt matter how much time and effort you put into your work, any sign of a deadline and your stomach drops and you get scared stiff.

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