Friday, 22 April 2011

Hand ins... And BEYOND!!

So, the time has come, handed in final (Shakespeares Sonnets) and major projects (American Idiot: The Graphic Novel) and now I play the waiting game.

I'm strangley confident I will get a decent grade (I'm hoping for a B) I'm no where near as nervous as I was for hand-ins in past projects and considering that these two were arguably the most important projects in my Further/Higher education span.

Considering I put a shed load of hours into these two projects alone (nevermind my dissertation, video, magazine spread and CV one) I can't get a D, I'll take a C at lowest.  I think the nerves just kicked in now talking about it.  Nevermind I have faith.  I feel the Graphic novel grade will be higher but I hope they are about the same.  Anyway just wanted to post about how nervous I am!!

And now the project Creative Industries and How to be Nang magazine spread:
The Creative Industries is basically self promotion i.e. CV, create a postcard image, portrait, Letterhead, write a letter to a company for a Job (do not have to send it).

And the Magazine spread is pretty much done, I have the basic type down however I need to mess about with composition and type.  It's really frustrating sometimes when you can't figure out how to make it look OK.

Keep ya updated folks,
I'll post some images soon

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